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List of terms
ATM adaptation layer type 1 (AAL1)
An AAL protocol used to transfer constant bit rate traffic such as voice and video.
ATM adaptation layer type 2 (AAL2)
An AAL protocol used to transfer variable bit rate traffic.
ATM adaptation layer type 5 (AAL-5)
An AAL protocol used to transfer variable bit rate,
ATM anycast capability
An ATM routing and signaling feature that allows a user to request a
ATM bearer service (ABS)
Nortel Multiservice Switch ATM node’s bearer service allows ATM users and external equipment (ATM hubs, routers, workstations, servers, and video- conferencing equipment) access to the Multiservice Switch network. This service provides
ATM bus controller (ABC)
A bus controller on a Nortel Multiservice Switch ATM node’s function processor.
ATM interface CAC (AtmIf-CAC)
A connection admission control (CAC) technique that applies to independent virtual channel connections (VCC) and virtual path connections (VPC) under an ATM interface. Compare with virtual path termination CAC
(page 143).
See ATM interface CAC
ATM inter-network interface (AINI)
ATM Forum standard signaling protocol that provides interconnection between Nortel Multiservice Switch nodes as well as interconnection between Multiservice Switch and
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
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