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List of terms
network interworking function (NIWF)
See also,
network management interface (NMIF)
An interface between Nortel Multiservice Switch nodes and external entities for management purposes, using a specific protocol. The supported interface and protocol types are: local, Telnet, Ssh, FMIP, and FTP (both
network management interface system (NMIS)
Manages interfaces between the Nortel Multiservice Switch software and external network management systems. Through NMIS, commands can be issued to Nortel Multiservice Switch nodes from network managers, and results returned. This allows Multiservice Switch nodes to be controlled and monitored.
network mask
network processing unit
A programmable device that specializes in the processing of data packets.
network protocol
A protocol that consists of an address plan, a frame format, and a state machine for the protocol's behavior.
network service access point address
An address used in
network time protocol (NTP)
A public network time synchronization protocol that Nortel Multiservice Switch XNTP software can use to synchronize the time between different nodes in a network. RFC 1305, Network Time Protocol (Version 3), defines the standards for this protocol.
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
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