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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
local bus
A 32-bit bus on a processor module joining local memory (SRAM and DRAM),
boot ROM, SBIC, and the microprocessor.
local domain edge node
A node that has at least one inter-domain link.
local domain link type
In the context of the local rerouting protocol, a PNNI link can be described as
an intra-domain link or an inter-domain link.
local leaf
Relevant to a single node in a PMP call. A local leaf is on a branch with a local
root, across the Nortel Multiservice Switch node back plane, forming a new
link to the remote leaf.
local management interface (LMI)
In frame relay, the part of the C-plane that manages the PVCs.
local memory
A RAM that stores code and program data for the microprocessor.
local node name
The name of a Nortel Multiservice Switch node. It forms the initial part of all
component names, but is usually suppressed. For example, em/ottawa lp/0
appears as lp/0.
local rerouting domain
In the context of the local rerouting protocol, a group of nodes linked by intra-
domain links.
local root
Relevant to a single node in a PMP call. A local root is on a branch with a local
leaf across the Nortel Multiservice Switch node backplane. A local root
multicasts copies of incoming cells to each local leaf.
See loss of delay synchronization (LODS) (page 77).
See loss of frame (LOF) (page 77).