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List of terms
In ATM networking, a unidirectional transport of ATM cells belonging to virtual channels that are associated by a common identifier value called VPI.
virtual path connection (VPC)
A logical association among, or a group of, virtual channels that have the same traffic characteristics and follow the same path in a network.
In ATM networking, a concatenation of virtual path links that extends between the point where the virtual channel identifier values are assigned and the point where those values are translated or removed.
virtual path connection identifier (VPCI)
In ATM networking, a connection identifier that the nodes at the ends of a connection over virtual interfaces can use to establish a common identifier from end to end. In
virtual path identifier (VPI)
A field in the ATM cell header that identifies the virtual path the cell is associated with. Also, a VPI can form part of the identity of the virtual channel.
virtual path link (VPL)
A segment of a virtual path between two contiguous ATM layer entities that process the cells of a virtual path, without unbundling the individual virtual channels that comprise the virtual path. A virtual path link is identified by a unique VPI value in the cell header.
virtual path termination CAC (VPT-CAC)
A connection admission control (CAC) technique that applies to VCCs under a virtual path terminator. Compare with ATM interface CAC
virtual path terminator (VPT)
An ATM network entity that unbundles a VPC into its VCC elements for processing. There are two types of VPTs: basic and standard.
virtual private network (VPN)
See customer network management (CNM) (page 38).
virtual router (VR)
A common set of interfaces and support mechanisms for the IP protocol.
virtual router access point (VRAP)
A point of access to a VirtualRouter component that defines the IP logical interface. This logical interface defines the subnet to which the IpMConn or Control subcomponent is connected.
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
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