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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
RID subnet
A group of interconnected Nortel Multiservice Switch nodes that share a
routing identifier (RID).
See routing information protocol (RIP) (page 116).
1 See resource module (RM) (page 114).
2 See resource management (RM) cell (page 113).
root node
The root node of an ATM PMP call represents the first point of entry into the
network for the PMP call. As a result, this node contains the root of the
multicast tree. For PMP SPVCs, the root node would be the node where the
PMP SPVC is provisioned.
See rendezvous point (RP) (page 112).
See reverse path forwarding (RPF) (page 114).
A set of RP addresses constructed by the BSR based on the list of candidate
RP advertisement messages received by the BSR.
round trip delay (RTD)
The time delay in a round trip from one end of the connection to the other.
A list of individual Nortel Multiservice Switch trunks over which a logical
connection exchanges data between two endpoints.
route caching
Route caching is a method of storing and maintaining routing paths for future
route selector (RS)
A Nortel Multiservice Switch network server (routing subcomponent) used for
selecting newly requested or rerouted path oriented routing system routes.