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List of terms
resource module (RM)
resource reservation protocol (RSVP)
The primary protocol used for resource reservation in IP networks.
Information generated by a component either as a result of some verb being applied to it or asynchronously to signal some event such as an alarm. A response can contain several response attributes. For example, the list fs command is used to list files. It produces many responses, each containing an attribute to represent the file name, file size, and file modification time.
response attribute
Additional information produced within a response.
response attribute type
The data type of a response attribute.
response attribute value
The value produced as permitted by its type.
The action of reinitializing the software on either a shelf or a card without reloading that software.
restricted transit node
A node that a call uses for transit, but only in restricted circumstances. A restricted transit node is free from such restriction when it is used to originate or terminate a call.
reverse path forwarding (RPF)
Used to select the appropriate incoming interface for a multicast route entry.
RFC 1490
A multiprotocol frame encapsulation method used for carrying data over a frame relay virtual circuit.
See routing identifier (RID) (page 116).
RID/MID routing system
See dynamic packet routing system (DPRS) (page 45).
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
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