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List of terms
inverse multiplexing for ATM (IMA)
A feature available on Nortel Multiservice Switch nodes that supports the transparent transmission of ATM cell data over a link group. IMA transparently distributes a single stream of ATM layer cell traffic onto multiple physical links for transmission across the links, and then combines the traffic back into the original ATM layer cell sequence at the remote end.
inverse multiplexing for frame relay (IMUX)
inverse-UPC shaping
This form of shaping uses dynamic rate changes so that the resulting cell stream exactly conforms to the requirements of a dual leaky bucket UPC enforcer. Also known as
See Internet protocol (IP) (page 67).
IP address owner
The VRRP router that has the virtual router’s IP address(es) as real interface address(es).
IP class of service (COS)
Provides four different classes of service for different types of IP traffic. With IP COS, you can define a set of policies that identify different types of IP traffic and specify the class of service to pass the IP traffic through the network.
See IP class of service (COS) (page 68).
IP multicast forwarding
A packet forwarding mode that delivers IP multicast packets to a group of nodes interested in receiving those packets in an IP network.
IP multicast forwarding table (FWD)
A forwarding table that performs exact match and best match for IP multicast traffic.
IP multicast routing database (RDB)
A routing database for IP multicast traffic.
IP multicast routing table manager (MRTM)
A routing table manager for IP multicast traffic.
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
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