To activate this system, the requirements from telephone company and the customer must be programmed once the Power Switch has beet1 turned on.

1.At extettsiotl 11:

All system programtnittg changes (example: sy’s- rem clear. station progratn clear, toll restrictiotl, hookswitch Posh timing.. .) are dotie throrigh estetfsioti Il.

OExtensiort II must always be a Panasonic model, KX-T61630.

2. System Program Sw,itch setting:

The System Progratn Switch located ott the KX-T61610 must be set to the PROGRAM position while making program changes. After all programming changes are completed, return the program switch to the SET position.


This overlay is used for progratmnit~g the system and the program function names are inscribed on this card. Refer to page 3-2.

4.Before systetn programming, operate the system clear and station program clear to set to the default data of the progratntnittg.

A. Systetn Clear:

1 Dial (99).

o”SYSTEtVI CLEAR” lr’ill be displayed.

2 Press the NEXT button.

o”A LL CL E.4 R?” \c*ill be displayed.

3 Press the MEI\IORY button to clear system.

4 To exit from system clear. press the END brittott.

The followitlg feutures ure preset as the defatrlt data.

Dute uttd Time Setting Systetn Speed Dialing

CO Cotmectiott Assigtrtnettt

Dirt1 Mode (TottelPtrlse) Selection Slvitchittg Mode (DaylNight Service) Startittg Titne (DaylNight Service) Flexible Day Outward Dialing Assignment Flexible Night Olrtward Dialing Assigtmetlt Flexible Day Ritlgitrg Assigtlment

Flexible Night Ringitlg Assignment

Toll Restrictiott-Cluss Assignment

Toll Restriction-Areu Code Selectiotz Progrcttntnable Operutor Cull

Host PBX Access Codes Assignmettt

A tttomatic Atu~vering (A utomuticlMat~uu1)


Preferred CO Litze Assignment Programmable Cull Waiting Dltratiotl Time Count Start Mode SMDR Cotntnunicutiotz Paratneters System Data Dutnp

SMDR It~cotninglOutgoing Selection Hookswitch Flash Tin@ Discotztlect Time

Calling Party Control (CPC) Signal ltlrercotn Alerting Mode Progratntnable Doorphone

Dial Call Pickup Group Assigtltnetlt Account Code Input Mode Delayed Ringing Assigtnnetit Delayed Ringing Count Selection DSS Console Assigtmzettt

Hold Time Retnitldet

Hold Recall Titne Set

Programmable External Paging Access Totle DTMF Receiver

Programmable Toll Prefix Programmable Secret Speed Dial Programtnable Directory Assistance DSS Button Mode

Transfer Recall Tinte

M3IFWD Selection

B. Station Progratn Clear:

1 Dial (98).

*“EXT CLEAR” bvill be displayed.

2 Press the NEXT btrtto:z.

*“ALL CLEAR?” isill be displayed.

3 Press the MEMORY button to clear the system.

4 To exit from station clear, press the END button.

The follonittg fcutL(res are preset ns the defatrlt data.

Otte Tortch Dialittg

Backgroutld Music Cull-~For~vardittg Data Line Security Dial Call Pickup Detty Do trot Disturb

Auto CO Hunting Pickup dial Flexible CO Button

Flexible DSS Buttot - L

Page 24
Image 24
Panasonic KX-T61610 manual Programming