PANDUIT DPoE Power System User’s Guide Issue 1.0
Part Number: PN380
Parameter Description Default Setting
BDT TIME MNT Sets the length of time (minutes) that the battery test will
30 min.
Sets the voltage at which an alarm will be generated if the
battery voltage falls below this level during the battery
52 VDC
BD ABRT Voltage The voltage at which the battery discharge test will abort
if the system voltage drops below this level.
42 VDC
BD TEST CONST Sets the alarm constant for the battery test. 0 will disable
thermal compensation effects during a battery test. 1 will
take thermal compensation into account during the
battery test.
T COMP status Enables thermal compensation. Thermal compensation
adjusts the float voltage of the rectifiers to increase or
decrease the temperature of the batteries.
T START T The high temperature at which the controller activates
thermal compensation.
35° C
T SLOPE T The slope value at which the controller will reduce the
float voltage per degree if thermal compensation is active.
72 mV/°C
STOP VLT V The minimum voltage to which the controller will reduce
plant voltage for thermal compensation.
50.5 VDC
T SENSE Selects temperature sensing device to use for battery
temperature compensation; Internal sensor or external
temperature probes. The controller will autosense when
an external probe is attached and automatically adjusts
value to external.
TL START T The low temperature at which the controller activates
thermal compensation.
-20° C
TL SLOPE T The slope value at which the controller will increase the
float voltage per degree if low thermal compensation is
0 mV/°C
STOP VLT V The maximum voltage to which the controller will increase
the plant voltage for thermal compensation.
56 VDC
T RUNAWY T The temperature at which the controller will activate
thermal runaway.
60 °C
T RUNAWY V The voltage to which the rectifiers will reduce for
temperatures above T RUNAWAY T.
50 VDC
TEMP IS Selects the units the temperature reading are given in
either Celsius or Fahrenheit.
BOOST status Enables or disables the boost charge tests. The boost
feature will increase the output voltage of the rectifiers for
a short time, usually to charge the batteries.
BOOST V The voltage to which the boost charge test will increase,
once the feature is activated.
56.5 VDC
BOOST H The length of time (hours) the boost charge test will run. 12 hours
High temperature
alarm threshold
(NIC card only)
High temperature value at which the controller will trigger
a HIGH TEMP alarm. (For systems using the NIC card
98 °C