SelectTime time
Set the timeout of the central select(2) of the ParaStation daemon psid(8) to time seconds.
The default value is 2 seconds.
This parameter can be set during runtime via the set selecttime directive within the ParaStation administration and management tool psiadmin(1).
DeadInterval num
The ParaStation daemon psid(8) will declare other daemons as dead after num consecutively missing multicast pings.
After declaring a node as dead, all processes residing on this node are also declared dead. This results in sending signals to all processes on the local node that have requested to get informed about the death of one of these processes.
The default value is 10.
For now, the multicast period is set to two seconds, i.e. every daemon sends a multicast ping every two seconds. This results in declaring a daemon as dead after 20 seconds for the default value.
LogLevel num
Set the debugging level of the ParaStation daemon psid(8) to num.
For values of level larger than 10 the daemon logs a huge amount of message in the logging destination, which is usually the syslog(3).
This parameter can be set during runtime via the set psiddebug directive within the ParaStation administration and management tool psiadmin(1).
LogDestination { LOG_DAEMON LOG_KERN
Set the logging output's destination for theParaStation daemon psid(8). Usually the daemon prints logging output using the syslog(3) mechanism, unless an alternative logging file is requested via
In order to collect all the ParaStation specific log messages into a special file, the facility argument of the openlog(3) function call in cooperation with a suitable setup of the syslogd(8) may be used. This parameter will set the argument to one of the mentioned values.
The default value is LOG_DAEMON.
MCastGroup group-num
Tell psid(8) to use the multicast group
MCastPort portno
Tell psid(8) to use the UDP port portno for multicast communication to other daemons. The default port to use is 1889
RDPPort portno
Tell psid(8) to use the UDP port portno for the RDP communication protocol to other daemons.
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