bindmem [ 0 1 ] [nodes]
Set flag marking if this nodes will use
cpumap map [nodes]
Set the map used to assign
supplementaryGroups [ 0 1 ] [nodes]
The supplementaryGroups flag defines whether a process spawned should belong to all groups (true) defined for this user or only to the primary group (false). Relevant values are 'false', 'true', 'no', 'yes', 0 or different from 0.
statusBroadcasts [ num ] [nodes]
Set the maximum number of status broadcasts initiated by lost connections to other daemons. See also parastation.conf(5).
rdpTimeout [ ms ] [nodes]
Set the RDP timeout in ms for all selected nodes. See also parastation.conf(5).
deadLimit [ num ] [nodes]
Set the
statusTimeout [ ms ] [nodes]
Set the Timeout of the RDP status module. After this number of
rdpClosedTimeout [ ms ] [nodes]
Set the RDP closed timeout of the RDP status module. See also parastation.conf(5).
rdpResendTimeout [ ms ] [nodes]
Set the RDP resend timeout of the RDP status module. See also parastation.conf(5).
rdpMaxACKPend [ num ] [nodes]
Set the maximum number of pending ACKs within the RDP facility. See also parastation.conf(5).
shutdown [nodes]
Shutdown the ParaStation daemon on all selected node(s). As a consequence all processes using the selected node(s) are killed!
test [ quiet normal verbose ]
All communications links in a ParaStation network are tested.
ParaStation5 Administrator's Guide | 61 |