Step 7
(25)tp the rear up~!ght (21) using two 1" pillow block
A.bearings (112), four 3/8 x
~No~e: A~och pillow blocks ~112~ so the set screws ore on ~he inside, this w~ll ollow mote adjustment.Loosely attach the press arm odiu.sj
Center press arm adjust ~ZS~ ~o I~ne up wHh the post on ~he press bose ~13~ and securely tighten se~ screws on the pillow block bearings ~112~.
Adjust pillow block bsorings ~11~ until ~he press arm adjust (Z3~ is level and securely
Securely assemble one l/Z" spring pin ~54~ to ~he press arm ~6~ as shown.
two 1/2" washers ('79), iwo 1/2" flange bearings (69), and one 1/2 low height nylocl< (No~e: Securely tighten, Jhen back nut off 1/4 turn to allow Jhe press arm to rotate freely.)
. Apply two
F. Securely a~ach call/low row (7) ~o ~he press base (~)using ~wo 1/2 x ~" bolts (B~), Jour washers (79), and two 1/2" low height nylock nuts
calf / low row as shown.
Affach swivel pulley' bracket ~41~ to the press base (15~ using one 1/2" low helght nylock nu~
G.~84~. ~Note: Securely tighten, then back nut off 1/4 turn to allow the swivel pulley bracket ~o rotate freely.~