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Subject is not in

Subject difficult to focus

Subjects difficult to focus on



using autofocus: objects with



little contrast (blue sky, white



walls, etc.), dark objects, fine-



ly patterned objects, fast-



moving objects, scenery



through window or net, etc.



Lock focus on another object



located at same distance



(press shutter release button



halfway), then aim at target



and press shutter release



button fully.





Subject is not in focus-

Position subject in square


ing area

frame (focusing area) in mid-



dle of LCD monitor. If the



subject is outside the focus-



ing area, aim the camera at



the subject and lock focus



(press shutter release button



halfway), then compose pic-



ture and press the shutter



release button fully.





Subject is too close

Set focus mode on . (p.58)





Focus mode is set on

Normal pictures will be out of



focus if taken with focus



mode set on .





Focus mode is set on

If using manual focus, adjust



focus using four-way con-



troller (

). (p.59).




Subject is not

Diopter is not correctly

Camera viewfinder is not cor-

clear in


rectly adjusted for optimum



clarity. Adjust with diopter



adjustment lever. (p.57).











Picture is dark

Subject is too far away

Picture becomes dark if sub-






ject is too far away. Take pic-






ture within range of flash.









Background is dark

When taking a picture of a






person against dark back-






ground, such as night scene,






the person may appear dark if






the flash does not reach






background even with correct






exposure. Set to

mode to






ensure both person and back-






ground are clear. (p.38)









Flash does not

Flash mode is set to

Set to Auto or

. (p.35, p.62)
















The Capture mode is

Flash will not fire in these




set to

, continuous






shooting, or Infinity-






landscape mode.










Images cannot

The CF card is

If the CF card is installed, all



be recorded in


images will be recorded on



the built-in



the CF card. Also, in the



memory, or



Playback mode, only images



images record-



recorded on the CF card can



ed in the built-in



be played back.




memory cannot



To record images in the built-



be played back.



in memory or to playback










images recorded in the built-in











memory, the CF card must





first be removed.








































Page 66
Image 66
Pentax 430RS E07KB33533e.qk 6/6/02 429 PM Page 128 1,1, Appendix Problem Cause Remedy Subject is not, First be removed