Set IOChannel
Set IOChannel Digital Output (Serial Pins)
Description Sets the Digital output for serial pins RTS and DTR. This option is only available when
the Line Service is set to Signal I/O.
User Level Admin
Options description
Set IOChannel Relay
set iochannel rts|dtr [description <string>]
[failsafe-action none|activate-outut|deactivate-output]
[mode enabled|disabled]
Provide a description of the channel, making it easier to identify. The channel
description can be up to 20 characters.
When there has been no I/O activity within the specified time (set in the Global
Settings) and the Failsafe Timer is triggered, you can set the Failsafe Action to:
zNone—The state of the Digital/Relay output remains the same, no change.
zActivate Output—Activates the output.
zDeactivate Output—Deactivates the output.
Enables the channel, allowing the settings to become active.
Description Sets the Relay output channel settings.
User Level Admin
Syntax set iochannel <relay_number> output
[pulse continuous|counted <pulse_count>]
[active-to-inactive-delay <delay>]
[inactive-to-active-delay <delay>]
set iochannel <relay_number>
[active-signal-width <width>] [inactive-signal-width <width>]
[failsafe-action none|activate|deactivate]
Options relay_number
Specify the Relay channel number, for example, r2.
Specify how the channel Digital output will be handled:
zManual—You must manually activate and deactivate the output.
zPulse—When the output is activated, this configuration will cause the output to
pulse (go active and inactive) at a configured rate.
zInactive-to-Active Delay—The channel output will remain inactive for the
specified time interval after it is manually started.
zActive-to-Inactive Delay—The channel output will go inactive after the specified
time interval after it is manually started.
The default is Manual.
When the Output is Pulse, you can have it pulse in a Continuous manner or specify a
pulse Count (each count consists of an active/inactive sequence). The default is