Operate devices
To operate a device connected to HDMI and set up with
EasyLink, select the device -or its activity- in the list of TV
connections . Press c SOURCE, select a device connected
to an HDMI connection and press OK.
Once th e device is se lected, the TV remote cont rol can
control the de vice. However th e h (Home) and o
OPTIONS keys and some other typical TV keys, like
Ambilight, are not forwarded to the device.
If the key you nee d is not on the T V remote control, you can
select the key in the Options menu. Press o OPTIONS and
select % Controls in the menu bar. Select the device key
you need on screen an d press OK .
Some very specific device keys might not be available in the
Controls menu.
EasyLink settings
The TV comes with all EasyLink settings switched on. You can
switch off any EasyLink setting independently.
To switch off EasyLink completely, press h and select S
Setup and press OK.
Select TV settings > General settings > EasyLink > EasyLink.
Select Off and press OK.
EasyLink Remote Control
If you want devices t o communicate but you don't want to
operate the m wi th th e TV rem ote con trol, you can swi tch off
EasyLink remote control separately.
In the Eas yLink settings menu, sel ect EasyLink Remote
Control and select Off.
Pixel Plus link
Some devices, a DVD or Blu-ray Disc player, might have their
own p icture quali ty proc ess ing. To avoi d bad picture qual ity
caused by interference with the T V processin g, the pictu re
processing of thes e devices s hould be disable d. The TV comes
with Pixel Plus link switched on and disables the picture quality
processing of recent Philips devices connected to the TV.
To switch off Pixel Plus link, in the EasyLink settings menu,
select Pixel Plus link and select Off.
Auto subtitle shift
If you play a DVD or Blu-ray Disc on a Philips disc player that
supports subtitles, the TV can move the subtitles upwards.
Subtitles will be visible whatever Picture format you select.
The TV comes with Auto subtitle shift switched on.
To switch off Auto subtitle shift, in the EasyLink settings menu,
select Auto subtitle shift and select Off.
Common Int erface CAMCI+
This TV is ready for the CI+ Conditional Access.
With C I+ you can watch premiu m HD program mes, like
movies and sports, offered by digital TV broadcasters in your
region. Thes e program mes are scram bled by the TV
broadcaster and descramble d with a prepaid CI+ module.
Digital TV broadcas ters provide this CI+ module (Conditional
Access Module - CAM) when you subscribe to their premium
programmes. The se programmes have a high level of copy
Contact a digital TV broadcaster for more information on terms
& conditions.
In Help, press * List and look up Common I nterface CAM
for more inform ation on conne cting a CA M.
Insert a CAM mo dule
Switch off the TV before inserting a CAM.
Look on the CAM for the correct method of insertion.
Incorrect insertion can damage t he CAM and the TV.
Use the Common Interface slot on the TV to ins ert the CAM
card*. Gent ly insert the CAM as far as it will go and leave it in
the slot permanently. It may take a few minutes before the
CAM is activated. Removing the CAM will deactivate the
broadcast service on T V.
* The Common Interface slot accepts a PC card (PCMCIA) in
which you inse rt a smart card. Both cards should be supplied
by the TV broadcaster.
If a CAM is inserted and s ubscription fees have been paid,
(connect ion me thods can differ), you can watch the T V
broadcast. The in serted CAM is exclus ively for your TV.
CAM settings
To set passwords or PIN codes for the CAM TV broadcast,
press h and select S Setup and press OK.
Select Channel settings > Common I nterface.
Select the CAM TV broadcaster and press OK.
Setting up / Connect devices 11