In some countrie s, different TV chann els (broadcasters) might
have the same channel number. While installing, the TV
shows the list with channel number conflicts. You need to
select which TV channel you want to install on a channel
number with multiple TV channels.
If you can use a DVB-T antenna input but als o a DVB-C input,
you can se t up your TV for both DVB-T and DVB-C. Install one
system followed by the other with the necessary settings.
Once each syste m is installe d, you ne ed to sw itch the antenna
input signal on the Antenna connection on the back of the TV
and s et the TV in the appropri ate sys tem to view the inst alled
channels on TV.
To select the DVB-T or DVB-C setting, see above.
DVB settings
Symbol rate mode
If your cable provider did not give you a specific symbol rate
value t o instal l the TV chann els, leave th e Symbol rate mo de
setting on Automatic.
If you received a spe cific symbol rate value, select Manual.
However, th e value you re ceived could be in the predefined
list of symbol rates already. Select Predefined symbol rates to
check if your valu e is avail able automatically.
Predefined symbol rates
With t he Symbol rate mode set to Automatic, the TV will
use 1 of the predefine d symbol rates as used by most cable
providers in your country.
Symbol rate 1
With t he Symbol rate mode set to Manual, you can enter the
symbol rate value you received from your cable provider. To
enter the value, use the number keys.
Symbol rate 2
With t he Symbol rate mode set to Manual, you can enter a
second symbol rate value you received from your cable
provider. To enter th e value, use the number ke ys.
Network freque ncy mode
If you intent to us e the fast Quick scan method in Frequency
scan to search for channels, select Automatic. The TV will use
1 of the predefined network frequencies (or HC - homing
channel) as used by most cable providers in your coun try.
If you received a spe cific network frequency value to search for
channels , sele ct Manual.
Network freque ncy
With t he Network frequency mode set to Manual, you can
enter here the network frequen cy value received from your
cable provider. To enter th e value, us e the n umber keys.
Frequency scan
Select the method of searching for channels. You can select
the faster Quick scan method and use the predefined settings
used by most cable providers in your country.
If this res ults in having no chann els installe d or if some
channels are miss ing, you can select th e extende d Full scan
method. This method will take more time to search for and
install channels.
Frequency step size
The TV searches for channels in steps of 8MHz.
If this res ults in having no chann els installe d or if some
channels are miss ing, you can search in s maller s teps of 1MHz.
Using the 1MHz s teps will take more time to search for and
install channels.
Digital channels
If you know your cable provider is not offering digital channe ls,
you can ski p searching for digi tal channels .
Select Off.
Analogue channels
If you know your cable provider is not offering analogue
channels , you can s kip searching for anal ogue channels .
Select Off.
Free / S crambled
If you have a subs cription and a CAM - Conditi onal Access
Module for pay TV services, select Free + scrambled. If you
did not subs cribe to pay TV channel s or services, you can
select Free channels only.
In Help, press * List and look up CAM - Conditional Acces
Module for more information.
Reception quality
If you receive digital channe ls, you can check the quality and
signal strength of a channel.
If you have your own antenna, you can re position the antenna
to try and improve the reception.
To check the reception quality of a digital channel, switch to
the channel.
Press h, select S Setup and press OK.
Select Channel settings and press OK. Select Channel
installation > Digital : reception test and press OK.
30 TV / TV channels