Social networksNo need to get up to check your friend's messages on your
computer. Ope n Smart T V, sele ct your social network page
and s end a m essage back from your couch.
Smart TV supports the popular social networks Facebook and
In Help, press * List and look up App gallery for more
SkypeWith S kype™ you can make video calls on your TV for free.
You can call and see your friends from anywhere in the world.
To make a video call, you need a camera with a built-in
microphone and a good connection to the Internet. Some
Philips T Vs have a camera and microphone built in.
In Help, press * List and look up Skype for more
Smartphones and tabletsTo use your smartphone or tablet as a TV remote control or
as your media con troller, d ownload the Philips MyRemote app
from you r sm artphone or tabl et ap p store .
Operate your TV from your smartphone or tablet, switch
channels or change the volume. With the MyRemote app, you
can use your phone or table t to send p hotos, mus ic or videos
from you r compu ter t o your T V. A nd wi th My Remot e app on
a table t, you can call up the T V guide, read about the
programmes and s witch the TV to a channel with a s imple tap
of your finger. Th e MyR emote app is availabl e for i OS an d
In Help, press * List and look up MyRemote app for more
Pause TV and recordingsIf you connect a USB Hard Drive, you can pause and record a
broadcast from a digital TV channel.
Pause your TV and answer that urgent phone call or simply
take a break during a sports match, while the TV stores the
broadcast on the USB Hard Drive. You can start watching again
With a USB Hard Drive conn ected, you can also record digital
broadcasts. You can record whi le you are watching a program
or sc hedul e a r ecordin g of an upcomi ng progr amme.
In Help, press * List and look up Pause TV or Recording for
more information.
GamingIf you select your game cons ole in the Home menu, the TV
switches to the settings ideal for gaming automatically.
If you play a multi-player game with split s creens, you can se t
the TV to show each s creen as a full screen si multaneously.
Each player can focus on his own game to play.
4Tour / Gaming