

Register your TV and enjoy a range of benefits including full
support (including downloads), privileged access to information
about ne w products, exclu sive offers and di scounts , the chance
to win prizes and even participate in special surveys about new
releas es .
Go to www.philips.com/welcome

Using help an d search

This TV offers help on screen.
You can find the information you are looking for in the list of
topics or read the Help as a book with chapters.
Open Help
Press h to open the Home menu.
Select ? Help and press OK.
To view an alphabetical list of topics, select the L List tab in
the menu bar.
To read the Help as a book, select B Book in the menu bar.
Before you execu te the Help instruc tions, close Help.
To close Help, press b or h.
On mos t setti ngs and opti ons in menus, you can pre ss *
(blue key) to read som e inform ation on the s elect ed se tting or
option .
If information on the se tting or option is available, you can
press * (blue key) again to open the relevant page in Help.
For som e acti vities , l ike T ext, the colour ke ys ha ve sp ecific
functi ons a nd cann ot open Hel p.
TV Help on your tablet, smartphone or computer
You can download the TV Help in PDF format to read on your
smartphone, tablet or computer.
To carry out extended sequences of instructions more easily,
you can print out the rele vant Help page from your computer.
To download the Help (user manual) go to
www.philips. com/support

Online help

To solve any Philips TV related problem, you can consult our
onlin e s upport. You can select your language and enter your
product model numbe r.
Go to www.philips.com/support .
On the support s ite you can find your coun try's tele phone
number to contact us as well as answers to frequently asked
questions (FAQs). In some countries, you can chat wi th one of
our col aborators and a sk you r ques tion direc tly or send a
question by email
You can download new TV software or the manual to read on
your computer.

Consumer Care

For su pport, y ou can call t he Con sume r Care hotli ne in your
country. Find the teleph one number in the prin ted
documentation that cam e with the T V.
Or consul t our webs ite www.philips.com/support .
TV model number and serial number
You might be asked to provide the TV product model number
and s erial num ber. Fin d thes e numb ers on t he packagin g label
or on the t ype l abel on th e back or bottom of th e T V.
78 Support / Consumer Care