4 Using the applications
This section gives a brief description of how to use the video software packages included on the
4.1 General
VLounge is the central application for easy access to your Philips USB PC Camera and the video applications installed during setup, together with access to one application of your choice. You can start VLounge using the Windows QuickLaunch menu on the taskbar, through the program
group 'Philips ToUcam Camera', or by on the desktop.
The buttons to the right in the VLounge windows will start the applications. If you did not install all the applications, some of these buttons will be greyed out and will not activate when the cursor moves over them, indicating that the application is not available. Please
The other buttons and the menus offer access to other useful camera options.
Where to get help on the applications
For detailed information about the use of the software packages, please read the accompanying information for the relevant software. Each software package usually creates its own program group in the Windows Start menu, which is activated by clicking on the Windows Start button. These program groups contain the application program icon and other items (Help files, Electronic Manuals, Uninstall Wizards, Readme files, etc.) for the specific software package. All available information is accessible via the software's program group, or through the Help options within the program.