Access control; Parental control
(DVD-Video only)
Movies on DVD discs may contain scenes not suitable
for children. Therefore discs may contain ‘Parental
Control’ information that applies to the complete disc or
to certain scenes on the disc. These scenes are rated
from 1 to 8 and alternative, more suitable scenes are
available on the disc. Ratings are country-dependent. The
‘Parental Control’ feature allows you to prevent discs
from being played by your children or to have certain
discs played with alternative scenes.
Activating/Deactivating Parental Control
1In Stop mode, select
Access Control
in the
Features menu susing the w/v(down/up) keys
and press u(right cursor).
2Enter your 4-digit PIN code. If necessary enter the
code a second time.
3Move to
Parental Level
using the w/v(down/up)
4Move to the Value Adjustment bar using the u(right
cursor) key.
5Then use the w/v(down/up) keys or the numeric
keys 0-9 on the remote control to select a rating
from 1 to 8 for the inserted disc.
Rating 0 (displayed as ‘– –’):
Parental Control is not activated. The Disc will be played
in full.
Ratings 1 (child safe) to 8 (adults only):
The disc contains scenes not suitable for children. If you
set a rating for the player, all scenes with the same
rating or lower will be played. Higher-rated scenes will
not be played unless an alternative is available on the
disc. The alternative must have the same rating or a
lower one. If no suitable alternative is found, play will
stop and the 4-digit code must be entered.
6Press OK or t(left cursor) to confirm and press t
(left cursor) again to exit from the menu.
1In Stop mode, select
Access Control
in the
Features menu susing the w/v(down/up) keys
and press u(right cursor).
2Enter your 4-digit Pin code.
3Move to
Change Country
using the w(down) key.
4Press the u(right) key.
5Select a country using w/v(down/up cursor).
6Press OK or t(left cursor) to confirm and press t
(left cursor) again to exit from the menu.
Changing the 4-digit code
1In Stop mode, select
Access Control
in the
Features menu susing the w/v(down/up) keys
and press u(right cursor).
2Enter the old code.
3Move to
Change Code
using the w(down) key.
4Press the u(right) key.
5Enter the new 4-digit PIN code.
6Enter the code a second time and reconfirm with OK.
7Press t(left cursor) to exit from the menu.
Note: If you forgot your code, press
four times
while in the access control PIN code box and exit with OK.
Access control is now switched off. You can then enter a new
code (twice!) as described above.
Access control
Status window
Low power standby
Sound mode
Child lock
Parental level
Change country
Change code
Access control
Status window
Low power standby
Sound mode
enter code
01_SACD1000_USA_23811_D1 11-12-2000 16:14 Pagina 30