EN Properties
SGC2910 Wireless PC Controller Properties
Congratulations, you should have completed installing your SGC2910 Wireless PC Controller and its software.. The SGC2910 Wireless PC Controller is now ready for use..You should now test all the functions of your SGC2910 Wireless PC Controller to ensure it is functioning properly..Verify that the SGC2910 Wireless PC Controller is connected to your PC before continuing..Verify that your SGC2910 Wireless PC Controller is turned on and not in sleep mode..You should press the ‘START’ button to verify it is not in sleep mode..
1.To test the SGC2910 you will need to open the Windows Control Panel and click on the Game Controllers or Gaming Options icon..
2.In Windows 98SE, ME, and 2000 you must click on the ‘START’ button in the Windows Task Bar and select ‘SETTINGS’ and ‘CONTROL PANEL’.. Now click on the Gaming Options Icon..
3.In Windows XP, you must click on the ‘START’ button in the Windows Task Bar and select ‘CONTROL PANEL’.. If Windows XP is running in Category View you select “PRINTERS and OTHER HARDWARE’ and then ‘GAME CONTROLLERS.. If running in Classic View you click on the ‘GAME CONTROLLERS’ icon..
4.Once Game Controllers/Gaming Options has opened the SGC2910 Wireless PC Controller should be listed in the main Game Controllers/Gaming Options Window with a status of OK next to it..
5.Highlight “Philips Wireless PC Controller” by clicking on it..Then click on ‘PROPERTIES’ button to open the SGC2910 Wireless PC Controller Properties Window..
6.The Wireless PC Controller Properties consists of four pages for testing all the functions of the Philips Wireless PC Controller..