If you want to save all of your changes to the window size, position and column widths, choose File > Save
Windows Layout & Position from the LiveGateway SNMP Manager window's menu bar.
Configuring the LiveGateway SNMP Manager
You can configure the polling intervals, the data refresh rate, and the default SNMP parameters used by the
LiveGateway SNMP Manager by performing the following procedure:
1. Select File -> Configure... from the LiveGateway SNMP Manager menu bar. The LiveGateway SNMP
Manager Configuration window appears. The Intervals tab is displayed as the active (selected) tab.
2. The settings for the intervals are used by the SNMP Manager until you change them.
These settings include the following:
a) Server Polling: Enabled
b) Server Polling Interval: 30 seconds
c) Data Refresh Interval: 10 seconds.
To change the data for these settings, enter your new values in the appropriate fields. To
disable the Enable Server Polling function, click your mouse in the Enable Server Polling
checkbox to remove the check mark.
3. To view or change the default SNMP parameters, click the SNMP tab to make it the
active tab.