49 ページ 2011年8月19日 金曜日 午後12時12分

Tableau des codes de langues et Tableau des codes de pays


et régions


Tableau des codes de langues

Nom de la langue, code de la langue, code numérique

Abkhazian, ab/abk, 0102

French, fr/fra, 0618

Malagasy, mg/mlg, 1307

Slovenian, sl/slv, 1912

Afar, aa/aar, 0101

Galician, gl/glg, 0712

Malay, ms/msa, 1319

Somali, so/som, 1915

Afrikaans, af/afr, 0106

Georgian, ka/kat, 1101

Malayalam, ml/mal, 1312

Sotho, Southern, st/sot, 1920

Albanian, sq/sqi, 1917

German, de/deu, 0405

Maltese, mt/mlt, 1320

Spanish, es/spa, 0519

Amharic, am/amh, 0113

Greek, el/ell, 0512

Maori, mi/mri, 1309

Sundanese, su/sun, 1921

Arabic, ar/ara, 0118

Guarani, gn/grn, 0714

Marathi, mr/mar, 1318

Swahili, sw/swa, 1923

Armenian, hy/hye, 0825

Gujarati, gu/guj, 0721

Mongolian, mn/mon, 1314

Swati, ss/ssw, 1919

Assamese, as/asm, 0119

Hausa, ha/hau, 0801

Moldavian, mo/mol, 1315

Swedish, sv/swe, 1922

Aymara, ay/aym, 0125

Hebrew, iw/heb, 0923

Nauru, na/nau, 1401

Tagalog, tl/tgl, 2012

Azerbaijani, az/aze, 0126

Hindi, hi/hin, 0809

Nepali, ne/nep, 1405

Tajik, tg/tgk, 2007

Bashkir, ba/bak, 0201

Hungarian, hu/hun, 0821

Norwegian, no/nor, 1415

Tamil, ta/tam, 2001

Basque, eu/eus, 0521

Icelandic, is/isl, 0919

Occitan, oc/oci, 1503

Tatar, tt/tat, 2020

Belarusian, be/bel, 0205

Indonesian, in/ind, 0914

Oriya, or/ori, 1518

Telugu, te/tel, 2005

Bengali, bn/ben, 0214

Interlingua, ia/ina, 0901

Oromo, om/orm, 1513

Thai, th/tha, 2008

Bihari, bh/bih, 0208

Interlingue, ie/ile, 0905

Panjabi, pa/pan, 1601

Tibetan, bo/bod, 0215

Bislama, bi/bis, 0209

Inupiaq, ik/ipk, 0911

Persian, fa/fas, 0601

Tigrinya, ti/tir, 2009

Breton, br/bre, 0218

Irish, ga/gle, 0701

Polish, pl/pol, 1612

Tonga (Tonga Islands), to/ton, 2015

Bulgarian, bg/bul, 0207

Italian, it/ita, 0920

Portuguese, pt/por, 1620

Tsonga, ts/tso, 2019

Burmese, my/mya, 1325

Japanese, ja/jpn, 1001

Pushto, ps/pus, 1619

Tswana, tn/tsn, 2014

Catalan, ca/cat, 0301

Javanese, jw/jav, 1023

Quechua, qu/que, 1721

Turkmen, tk/tuk, 2011

Central Khmer, km/khm, 1113

Kalaallisut, kl/kal, 1112

Romanian, ro/ron, 1815

Turkish, tr/tur, 2018

Chinese, zh/zho, 2608

Kannada, kn/kan, 1114

Romansch, rm/roh, 1813

Twi, tw/twi, 2023

Corsican, co/cos, 0315

Kashmiri, ks/kas, 1119

Rundi, rn/run, 1814

Ukrainian, uk/ukr, 2111

Croatian, hr/hrv, 0818

Kazakh, kk/kaz, 1111

Russian, ru/rus, 1821

Urdu, ur/urd, 2118

Czech, cs/ces, 0319

Kinyarwanda, rw/kin, 1823

Samoan, sm/smo, 1913

Uzbek, uz/uzb, 2126

Danish, da/dan, 0401

Kirghiz, ky/kir, 1125

Sango, sg/sag, 1907

Vietnamese, vi/vie, 2209

Dutch, nl/nld, 1412

Korean, ko/kor, 1115

Sanskrit, sa/san, 1901

Volapük, vo/vol, 2215

Dzongkha, dz/dzo, 0426

Kurdish, ku/kur, 1121

Scottish Gaelic, gd/gla, 0704

Welsh, cy/cym, 0325

English, en/eng, 0514

Lao, lo/lao, 1215

Serbian, sr/srp, 1918

Western Frisian, fy/fry, 0625

Esperanto, eo/epo, 0515

Latin, la/lat, 1201

Serbo-Croatian, sh/---, 1908

Wolof, wo/wol, 2315

Estonian, et/est, 0520

Latvian, lv/lav, 1222

Shona, sn/sna, 1914

Xhosa, xh/xho, 2408

Finnish, fi/fin, 0609

Lingala, ln/lin, 1214

Sindhi, sd/snd, 1904

Yiddish, ji/yid, 1009

Fijian, fj/fij, 0610

Lithuanian, lt/lit, 1220

Sinhalese, si/sin, 1909

Yoruba, yo/yor, 2515

Faroese, fo/fao, 0615

Macedonian, mk/mkd, 1311

Slovak, sk/slk, 1911

Zulu, zu/zul, 2621

Tableau des codes de pays et régions

Nom de pays/région, Code de pays/région, code numérique

Anguilla, ai, 0109

Estonie, ee, 0505

Luxembourg, lu, 1221

Saint-Marin, sm, 1913

Antigue-et-Barbude, ag, 0107

Finlande, fi, 0609

Macédoine, ancienne

Singapour, sg, 1907

Argentine, ar, 0118

France, fr, 0618

République de Yougoslavie,

Slovaquie, sk, 1911

Arménie, am, 0113

Georgie, ge, 0705

mk, 1311

Slovénie, si, 1909

Australie, au, 0121

Allemagne, de, 0405

Malaisie, my, 1325

Espagne, es, 0519

Autriche, at, 0120

Grèce, gr, 0718

Malte, mt, 1320

Surinam, sr, 1918

Azerbaïdjan, az, 0126

Groenland, gl, 0712

Mexique, mx, 1324

Suède, se, 1905

Bahamas, bs, 0219

Grenade, gd, 0704

Moldavie, République de, md,

Suisse, ch, 0308

Barbade, bb, 0202

Guyane, gy, 0725


Taiwan, Province de Chine, tw,

Biélorussie, by, 0225

Haïti, ht, 0820

Monaco, mc, 1303


Belgique, be, 0205

Hong-Kong, hk, 0811

Montserrat, ms, 1319

Tajikistan, tj, 2010

Belize, bz, 0226

Hongrie, hu, 0821

Pays-bas, nl, 1412

Thaïlande, th, 2008

Bermudes, bm, 0213

Islande, is, 0919

Nouvelle-Zélande, nz, 1426

Trinité et Tobago, tt, 2020

Brésil, br, 0218

Inde, in, 0914

Norvège, no, 1415

Tunisie, tn, 2014

Bulgarie, bg, 0207

Indonésie, id, 0904

Pakistan, pk, 1611

Turquie, tr, 2018

Canada, ca, 0301

Irlande, ie, 0905

Pérou, pe, 1605

Turkménistan, tm, 2013

Îles Caïmans, ky, 1125

Israël, il, 0912

Philippines, ph, 1608

Turques et Caïques, Îles, tc, 2003

Chili, cl, 0312

Italie, it, 0920

Pologne, pl, 1612

Ukraine, ua, 2101

Chine, cn, 0314

Jamaïque, jm, 1013

Portugal, pt, 1620

Royaume-uni, gb, 0702

Colombie, co, 0315

Japon, jp, 1016

Puerto Rico, pr, 1618

États-Unis, us, 2119

Croatie, hr, 0818

Kazakhstan, kz, 1126

Roumanie, ro, 1815

Uruguay, uy, 2125

Chypre, cy, 0325

Corée, République de, kr, 1118

Fédération russe, ru, 1821

Ouzbékistan, uz, 2126

République tchèque, cz, 0326

Kyrghiztan, kg, 1107

Saint Kitts et Nevis, kn, 1114

Venezuela, ve, 2205

Danemark, dk, 0411

Lettonie, lv, 1222

Sainte Lucie, lc, 1203

Vierges, Îles, Britanniques, vg,

Dominique, dm, 0413

Liechtenstein, li, 1209

Saint Vincent et les Grenadines,


Dominicaine, République, do, 0415

Lituanie, lt, 1220

vc, 2203




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Pioneer BDP-52FD operating instructions  Tableau des codes de langues,  Tableau des codes de pays et régions

BDP-52FD specifications

The Pioneer BDP-52FD is a premier Blu-ray disc player that exemplifies high-definition entertainment with its state-of-the-art features and cutting-edge technologies. Designed for audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts alike, the BDP-52FD not only supports a wide range of disc formats but also delivers exceptional audio and video performance.

One of the standout features of the BDP-52FD is its ability to play Blu-ray Discs in stunning 1080p resolution, providing crystal-clear visuals that fully utilize the capabilities of high-definition televisions. The player also supports a range of other formats, including standard DVDs and CDs, ensuring versatility for various media collections. This universal compatibility means that users can enjoy their favorite old and new collections without any hassle.

In terms of audio technology, the BDP-52FD is equipped with advanced audio codecs, including Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. These formats ensure that the audio experience matches the stunning visuals with high-definition sound quality. The player also features a high-quality digital-to-analog converter, providing enriched audio output for an immersive experience when watching movies, listening to music, or playing games.

Connectivity is another area where the BDP-52FD shines. With multiple HDMI outputs, users can connect easily to their home theater systems for seamless integration and control. The player also features Ethernet and USB ports, allowing for firmware updates and playback of digital media from external sources.

A notable characteristic of the BDP-52FD is its robust build quality, featuring a solid chassis that minimizes resonance and vibration. This design not only contributes to the longevity of the player but also enhances playback stability and audio clarity. The unit also incorporates Pioneer's proprietary Qdeo video processing technology, which upscales standard-definition content to near high-definition quality, ensuring a richer viewing experience.

User-friendly features make the BDP-52FD a convenient addition for any home theater setup. Its intuitive menu system, quick start-up time, and remote control functionality ensure that users can navigate and enjoy their entertainment effortlessly.

In summary, the Pioneer BDP-52FD is a sophisticated Blu-ray player that combines top-tier technology with user-friendly features, making it a perfect choice for those seeking high-quality audiovisual experiences. With its range of compatibility, exceptional audio capabilities, and robust design, the BDP-52FD sets a high standard for home entertainment systems.