Impedance setup for the speed dome

Each speed dome camera has a termination resistor built in.

In a network of RS-485 chain, the speed domes are classified in two categories: end unit (such as the #31) and node (such as #1 through #30).

To set up the resistor correctly, installer must decide if the specific dome camera is the termination device or not, i.e. if it is at the end of the RS-485 chain.

The impedance setup is provided by the bit 1 and bit 2 of DIP switch DS3 .


Bit 1

Bit 2




Open ( device on node )






Standard 120 ohms ( device at end )




„For nodes: Set both of Bit 1 and Bit 2 to OFF position

„For end unit: Set both of Bit 1 and Bit 2 to ON position

Impedance of the control unit

This is generally for two cases: controller with RS-485, and controller with RS-232. Controller with RS-485:

Most keyboard and video server in market have RS-485, which are equipped with termination resistor to drive a RS-485 system.

But most PC and notebook sort of devices have RS-232 or USB port but no RS-485. Therefore, for PC system, a RS-232 or USB to RS-485 converter is required. So installer must check out if the converter has proper termination resistor.

Problems in practical connection

In some circumstances user adopts a star configuration in practical connection. The termination resistors must be connected to the two equipment that are farthest away from each other, such as equipment 1# and 15# in the following picture. As

the star configuration is not in conformity

with the requirements of RS-485



User’s manual