Connect Speed dome to video server

Video server, the contemporary device for transmitting video throughout LAN and WAN, can also be the controlling tool for this speed dome camera.

Most video servers in market are built with RS-485 communication port, and single video input for connecting one camera. To work with this PTZ camera, installer must connect both signals (video and RS-485) from the server to the camera, as the picture shown on below.

First of all, the camera ID should be kept on number “0” (zero) or 1 (one) when it is linked to a video server, unless your video server requires different ID. Be sure the RS-485 polarity is correctly handled. Once the connectivity is completed, start the video server control panel on computer and follow the instructions on below during the video server setup

„Choose Pelco D as the control protocol

„choose RS-485as the communication format

„baud rate matches the setting in camera; “2400is recommended

„parity is set to “0” (zero) or “None

„Data bit is “8” (eight)

„Stop bit is “1” (one)

You may conduct control to the speed dome after these are correctly set up. For advanced functions, you must follow the instructions given by the video server manual.



User’s manual