Polycom 3150-30828-001 manual System Settings, Backup Settings Policies, Deletion Policies

Models: 3150-30828-001

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Chapter 2 - Web User Interface (UI)

Backup Settings Policies

There are three options with regard to automatic backup frequency:

Never backup – Video files will not be backed up to the FTP server if this is selected.

Backup after end of recording – Video files will be immediately backed up to the FTP server if this is selected.

Backup after a specified number of days- Video files will be backed up to the FTP server at a configured frequency if this option is selected. The backup time must be set. Specify the number of days after recording, and the backup start time on that day. The number of days may be any value in the range of 1-999, and any time may be set from 0:00 to 23:00; the backup end time must be later than the backup start time.

The file names of archives that have been backed up will be displayed in pink in the archive list.

Deletion Policies

There are three possible deletion policies that can be selected:

Never delete – Video files will be stored indefinitely on the Polycom® RSS™ 4000's hard drive when this option has been selected.

Delete after backup – Video files will be immediately deleted after being sent to the backup server when this option has been selected.

Delete after a specified number of days – Sets the number of days after the end of recording before video file are deleted; the number of days may be any value in the range of 1-999.

If BOTH “Back after end of recording” and “Delete after backup” are selected, the system will keep the archives for one day instead of removing it immediately, for avoiding invisibility of the Archived list.

If "Never Auto Delete" is enabled on the video file properties screen (please refer to Changing Archive Properties section), the video file will not be deleted even if the backup/delete strategy allows deletion.

System Settings

Clicking on "System Configuration -> System Settings" in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen allows the user to configure items describe in Table 2-4.


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Polycom 3150-30828-001 manual System Settings, Backup Settings Policies, Deletion Policies