58 | Setting Up the A3 System |
The following steps require the use of cables and connectors that have been supplied as part of the PowerFile Archive Engine or Media Library package.
To connect the Archive Engine and Media Libraries:
1.Use an Ethernet cable to connect the Archive Engine to the network. There are two ports on the back of the unit. Only one of the ports should be connected to the network for initial setup.
If you will be using DHCP to obtain an IP address for the Archive Engine, connect the port labeled DHCP to the network. Otherwise, connect the port labeled static to the network.
Archive Engine Ethernet Jack Connections
2.Use the provided FireWire cable to connect A on the Media Library to B on the Archive Engine. This connection can use any available FireWire port on the chasses.
Active Archive Appliance (A3) v6.5 | PowerFile Confidential | Racking and Installation Guide |