These gu_elines will help you toplan your exercise program. For detailedexercise information, obtain a reputable beok or consult yourphysician. Remember. proper nutrition and adequate rest are essential for successfulresults.
Whether your goal is to burn tat or to strengthen your cardiovascular system, exercising at the proper inten- sity is the key to achieving results. You can use your heart rate as a guide to i'indthe proper intensity feveL The chart below shows recommended heart rates for fat burning and aerobic exercise,
165 155 145 140 130 125 115 (_
145 138 I30 I25 118 110 103 C_
125 120 115 110 105 95 90
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
To rind the proper intensity level, find your age at the bottom of the chart (ages are rounded oN to the near- est ten years). The three numbers listed above your age define your 'training zone." The lowest number is the heart rate for fat burning, the middle number is the heart rate for maximum fat burning, and the highest number is the heart rate for aerobic exercise,
the f_rstfew minutes of exercise does your body begin to use stored fat ca!odesfor energy, It your goal is to
bum fat, adjust the intensityofyour exercise unti_your heart rate is near the lowest number in your training
zone. For maximum fat burning, exercise with your heartrate near the middlenumber in your training zone.
cardiovascularsystem, you must pedorm aerobic exercise, which is activitythat requireslarge amounts of oxygen for prolonged periodsof rjmeoFor aerobic
exercise, adjust the intensityof your exercise until your heartrate is near the highest number in your training
Training Zone
To maintain or improve your condition,complete three workoutseach week, w_that teast one day of rest between workouts,A_ter a few months of regular exer- cise, you may comp_eteup to five workouts each week, if desired. Remember,the key to successis to make
examine a regular and enjoyablepart of your everyday