Installation Guide Stackable Fibre Channel Switch
5800V Series
Glossary-6 59265-02 B
Secure Socket Layer
Protocol that secures connections to the
switch for Enterprise Fabric Suite, Quick-
Tools, the API, and SMI-S.
Signed Certificate
A certificate that has been signed by a
certificate authority that contains the
public/private key pair and the valid device
Simple Network Management Protocol
A networking protocol that enables you to
monitor the switch using third-party appli-
cations that use SNMP.
Small Form-Factor Pluggable
Small Form-Factor Pluggable
A 1-/2-/4-/8-Gbps transceiver device that
plugs into the Fibre Channel port.
Storage Management Initiative–Specifica-
Simple Network Management Protocol
Stacking Cable
An XPAK cable that connects two or more
switches through the 10Gbps XPAK ports.
Storage Management
A standard that provides for the manage-
ment of the switch through third-party
management applications.
A storage device that responds to an initi-
ator device.
Transparent routing port. A port type that
uses the Fibre Channel industry standard
NPIV to provide access to devices on a
remote Brocade or Cisco fabric.
User Account
An object stored on a switch that consists
of an account name, password, authority
level, and expiration date.
authority level, and expiration date.
User Account Security
A component of fabric security that
provides for the administration and
authentication of account names,
passwords, expiration dates, and authority
Voluntary Control Council for Interference
Voluntary Control Council for Interference
A consortium of Japanese electronics
industry associations that have estab-
lished voluntary standards for controlling
electromagnetic interference (EMI). The
council’s mission is to formulate and
amend basic policies regarding the volun-
tary controls for electromagnetic emissions
from information technology equipment.
World Wide Name (WWN)
A unique 64-bit address assigned to a
device by the manufacturer.
World Wide Name
A specification authored by a consortium
of companies to govern the development
of small form factor 10Gb and 20Gb