Power-On Self Test Diagnostics
59265-02 B 4-5
Configuration File System Error Blink PatternA configuration file system error blink pattern is four blinks followed by a
two-second pause. The four-blink error pattern indicates that a configuration file
system error has occurred, and that the configuration file must be restored.
Figure 4-4. Configuration File System Error Blink PatternTo restore the switch configuration:
1. Establish communications with the switch using Telnet. Type one of the
following on the command line:
telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
telnet switchname
where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the switch IP address and switchname is the
switch name associated with the IP address.
2. A Telnet window opens prompting you for a login. Type an account name
and password. The default account name and password are admin and
3. Open an admin session to acquire the necessary authority. For example:
Switch $>admin start
4. Restore the configuration. When the restore is complete, the switch will
reset. For example:
Switch (admin) $>config restore
If a configuration does not exist, enter the Config Backup command, and
then enter the Config Restore command.
Two seconds