Installing a Switch
59265-02 B 3-5
Install the TransceiversThe switch supports a variety of SFP and XPAK transceivers. To install a
transceiver, insert the transceiver into the port, and then gently press until it snaps
in place. To remove a transceiver, gently press the transceiver into the port to
release the tension, pull the release tab or lever, and then remove the transceiver.
Different transceiver manufacturers have different release mechanisms. Consult
the documentation for your transceiver.
If the switch is mounted in a closed or multi-rack assembly, the operating
temperature of the rack environment may be greater than the ambient
temperature. Be sure to install the chassis in an environment that is
compatible with the maximum rated ambient temperature. For operating
temperature information, refer to “Environmental” on page A-7.
Do not restrict chassis air flow. Allow 16cm (6.5in) minimum clearance at
the front and rear of the switch (surface mount) or rack for service
access and ventilation.
Multiple rack-mounted units connected to the AC supply circuit may
overload that circuit or overload the AC supply wiring. Consider the
power source capacity and the total power usage of all switches on the
circuit. For power specifications, refer to “Electrical” on page A-5.
Reliable grounding in the rack must be maintained from the switch
chassis to the AC power source.
The transceiver will fit only one way. If the transceiver does not install under
gentle pressure, flip it over and try again.
To maintain sufficient air flow and prevent the switch from overheating, keep
covers installed in unused XPAK ports.