Installation Guide Stackable Fibre Channel Switch
5800V Series
Index-2 59265-02 B
access 2-2
authentication 2-20
authorization 2-20
cabling 3-13
description 2-1
performance 2-6
security 2-20
security example 2-22
diagnostics 4-1, 4-3, A-4
digital certificate 2-19
dimensions A-5
distance 2-3
domain ID
conflict 4-8
description 2-7
lock 2-7
EE_Port 1-6, 4-8
e-mail notification 2-17
emissions standards A-8
encryption 2-19
Enterprise Fabric Suite 1-11
conditions 3-2
specifications A-7
standard A-8
critical 4-3
fatal POST 4-4
port 4-10
direct connection 3-11
indirect connection 3-11
port 1-7
FF_Port 1-6
management 2-31, A-4
management workstation 3-2
point-to-point bandwidth A-3
port 1-6
security 2-18
factory defaults 4-15
fiber optic cable 2-1
Fibre Channel
ports 1-4
protocols A-2
Field Replaceable Unit 5-1, A-4
File Transfer Protocol
account name 3-17
description 1-12
service 2-17
description 3-14
failure 4-4
install with CLI 3-15
install with QuickTools 3-15
non-disruptive activation 3-14
unpack image 4-14
five-switch stacking 2-9
FL_Port 1-6
flash memory 1-3
four-switch stacking 2-9
frame size A-3
FRU - See Field Replaceable Unit
FTP - See File Transfer Protocol
GG_Port 1-6
generic ports 1-6
GL_Port 1-6