Communications Statements
59265-02 B xiii
CE StatementThe CE symbol on the equipment indicates that this system complies with the
EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) directive of the European Community
(2004/108/EC) and to the Low Voltage (Safety) Directive (2006/95/EC). Such
marking indicates that this system meets or exceeds the following technical
EN 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology Equipment
EN 55022: Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference
Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment
EN 55024: Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic immunity standard
Part 1: Residential commercial, and light industry
EN 61000-4-2: Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test
EN 61000-4-3: Radiated, Radio-Frequency, Electromagnetic Field
Immunity Test
EN 61000-4-4: Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Test
EN 61000-4-5: Surge Immunity Test
EN 61000-4-6: Immunity To Conducted Disturbances, Induced By
Radio-Frequency Fields”
EN 61000-4-8: Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity Test”
EN 61000-4-11: Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions And Voltage
Variations Immunity Tests
EN 61000-3-2: Limits For Harmonic Current Emissions (Equipment Input
Current Less Than/Equal To 16 A Per Phase) Class A
EN 61000-3-3: Limitation Of Voltage Fluctuations And Flicker In
Low-Voltage Supply Systems For Equipment With Rated Current Less Than
Or Equal To 16 A
VCCI Class A StatementThis is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council
For Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this equipment
is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such
trouble occurs, the user may be required to take corrective actions.