Chapter 12 StorNext Reports
StorNext User’s Guide 265
The Policy Class Information Report: Provides information about
policy classes in the StorNext system, including media, mintimes,
hard limits, and cleanup.
The Relation Information Report: Provides information about the
directory-to-policy class relationships in the file system.
The Request Information Report: Provides information about
requests, including the type of request, priority, and current status.
The Scheduler Information Report: Provides information about
StorNext schedules.
The Storage Disk Information Report: Provides information about the
configured storage disks on your system.
SNFS Reports 12
SNFS reports are also accessible from the StorNext home page, the SNFS
home page, and the SNSM home page.
The following reports are available:
The Directory Affinity Report: This report shows the existing
affinities for a selected directory in the file system.
The File System Statistics Report: This report provides file system
statistics including active clients, space, size, disks, and stripe groups.
The Stripe Group Statistics Report: This report provides statistics for
the stripe group, such as space, affinities, and current statuses.
The File System Client Report: This report provides statistics for
StorNext clients, including the number of StorNext SAN clients and
distributed LAN clients, and client performance.
The File System LAN Client Report: This report provides information
about distributed LAN clients, including read and write speed.