Radio Shack 16-830 Special Video Recording Features, Auto Focusing, Variable Speed Power Zoom

Models: 16-830

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The automatic focusing feature lets you concen- trate on recording great videos without having to worry about whether or not they are properly fo- cused.

The camcorder detects the distance from the camcorder to the object you see in the center of the viewfinder, then sets the focus for that dis- tance. When you move the camcorder, the cam- corder continuously adjusts the focus to maintain the sharpest picture. Try to keep your desired subject in the middle of the viewfinder.


If the lens gets dirty, clean it with a soft tis- sue and lens-cleaning fluid.

If the lens gets damp, dry it with a soft cloth or wait until the moisture evaporates.

Always replace the lens cap when you fin- ish recording.

The auto-focus sensor might not be able to focus on a subject when:

— You are taping in extremely low light.




The power-zoom feature lets you go from wide- angle to telephoto shots at the touch of a button. During recording, press W or T with the fingers of your right hand. Press W (wide-angle) to zoom out and T (telephoto) to zoom in.

As you zoom out or in, a bar with an indicator ap- pears on the left side of the viewfinder. The indi- cator moves up and down the bar, showing the relative zoom position. The pressure you place on W and T controls the speed of the zoom. The harder you press W and T, the faster the cam- corder zooms.

You are taping in snow or fog.

Close and distant objects are both near the center of the viewfinder.

You are taping a long object (such as a fence rail) from its end.

The scene includes several objects equal distances apart.

Light reflects off the subject.

The focus point moves rapidly.

You are taping through a window.


The camcorder’s macro focusing feature lets you shoot close up pictures (as little as 11/4 inch- es away) of objects such as flowers, printed ma- terial, or photos in your family album.

To use macro focus, press and hold down W (see “Variable Speed Power Zoom” above) until you see the widest possible angle in the view- finder, then aim the camcorder at the object you are shooting. In most cases, the camcorder au- tomatically focuses on the subject.


Since macro focus exaggerates even the slightest movement of the camcorder or subject, we recommend that you set the camcorder on a tripod while using macro focus.


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Radio Shack 16-830 owner manual Special Video Recording Features, Auto Focusing, Variable Speed Power Zoom, Macro Focusing