Radio Shack 2.4 GHz 2-Line Digital Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone with Call Waiting/Caller ID

Models: 2.4 GHz 2-Line Digital Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone with Call Waiting/Caller ID

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To use the handset to join a call at the base, or to use the base to join a conversation at the handset, press the line button for the line in use. You hear a busy tone: before the tone ends, press the line button again.

During the call, you can hang up the base or the handset and the call can continue. To end the call, you must hang up both the base and handset.

Note: If you hear a high-pitched noise from the base’s speaker, the handset and the base are too close together.

To talk with two parties using both lines, see “4-Way Conferencing.”


3-Way Conferencing

Follow these steps to use both phone lines to set up a 3-way call. The procedure is the same for the handset and the base.

1.Place the first call on hold.

2.Make or answer a call on the other line.

3.Once you have the second party on the line, press CONF (CONF/9 on the hand- set) to bring in the first party. Both line

indicators on the base light green. The handset display shows â9ed\[h[dY[á above B_d[ý' B_d[ý( if you are making a conference call using the handset, â9ed\ 8Wi[á and B_d[ý' B_d[ý( if you are using the speakerphone for conference.

4.To end the conference call, press one line button, then the other. If you want to hang up one line and continue talking on

the other, press the line button you want to hang up.

If you want to talk on one line without discon- necting the other, press HOLD or CID/HOLD, then the button for the line you want to talk on. To return to a 3-way conversation, press CONF or CONF/9.

Note: To make a 3-way conference using one outside line and the two keypads, see “Using the Paging/Intercom Features” on Page 19.

4-Way Conferencing

Follow these steps to use both lines to set up a four-way call. The procedure is the same for the handset and the base.

1.Make a 3-way conference call on one keypad (handset or base).

2.Press INTERCOM (8/INTCM on the handset) to page the other keypad. The outside lines are put on hold.

3.At the other keypad press INTERCOM or 8/INTCM to answer the page, then press CONF (CONF/9 on the handset) on either keypad.

4.To end the conference call, press LINE 1 and LINE 2 on one keypad, then press LINE 2 on the other keypad.

If you want to hang up one line and continue talking on the other, press the line button that you want to hang up.

Note: You can also make a conference call using both the phone and an extension phone (See “Using the Phone with Extension Phones” on Page 19).


Basic Operation

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Radio Shack 2.4 GHz 2-Line Digital Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone with Call Waiting/Caller ID Making a Conference Call