Radio Shack 2.4 GHz 2-Line Digital Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone with Call Waiting/Caller ID

Models: 2.4 GHz 2-Line Digital Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone with Call Waiting/Caller ID

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ˆCaller ID Operation (Handset Only)

If you subscribe to Caller ID service from your phone company, the phone company sends information about the call, as well as the time and date, between the first and sec- ond rings of every call you receive. Although the Caller ID memory is on the handset, it also records the call you receive on the speakerphone.

The phone displays this information when it receives a call, and it stores up to 80 Caller ID records — 40 each for both lines — for lat- er review. It also shows if caller information is unavailable or if the name and number were blocked by the caller (see “Caller ID Messag- es”).

If you subscribe to Call Waiting with Caller ID, you will hear a tone through the handset when a call comes in, then the Caller ID record appears. If you want to answer the in- coming call, press FLASH. To resume the previous phone conversation, press FLASH again.

If the phone’s Caller ID memory becomes full, any new call replaces the oldest call’s record.


To review the Caller ID records, lift the hand- set if necessary and press CID/HOLD. Num- bers of new and total numbers of Caller ID records for each line appear. Press /TONE/

6or #/7 to select the line you want to view, then press 8/INTCM or CONF/9.

Note: If the handset is faceup on the base, it shows the number of Caller ID records, so you can see if you have new records to re- view.

Repeatedly press CONF/9 to scroll through the Caller ID records from the newest to the oldest, or 8/INTCM to scroll back through the records. To scroll quickly through the records, hold down CONF/9 or 8/INTCM.

The top line of each record shows the date, time and the number of calls from that num- ber. The second line shows the caller’s name, and the third line shows the caller’s phone number.

To exit the Caller ID record display, press CID/HOLD.













B_d[ý'ý B_d[ý(

Shows the number of




new Caller ID records




(records you have not




reviewed) and the total




number of records for




each line.




Fh_lWj[ DWc[


The caller has blocked




the Caller ID information

Fh_lWj[ DkcX[h


from being sent.




Kdademd DWc[


The caller is not within a




caller ID service area.

Kdademd DkcX[h





?dYecfb[j[ :WjW


Appears if there was an




error during the transmis-




sion of Caller ID informa-




tion. Minor electrical




disturbances can affect




Caller ID information.




Occasional errors are




normal. If the phone fre-




quently displays ?dYec#




fb[j[ ZWjW, contact your




local phone company or




RadioShack store for










Caller ID Operation (Handset Only)

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Image 24
Radio Shack 2.4 GHz 2-Line Digital Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone with Call Waiting/Caller ID Reviewing Caller ID Records