Radio Shack 2.4 GHz 2-Line Digital Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone with Call Waiting/Caller ID

Models: 2.4 GHz 2-Line Digital Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone with Call Waiting/Caller ID

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When the area code of the received call is the same as the one you stored (see “Storing Your Area Code” on Page 15), the caller ID record does not show the area code. If it is different, the record shows the area code.

However, you can add or delete the area code on the display. When the record is on the display, press 3 to add or delete the area code. Pressing 3 again deletes or adds the area code.

When you dial the number or store it into memory, the phone dials or stores the num- ber as it appears on the display.


To dial a local number stored in a Caller ID record, recall the record, then press LINE 1 or LINE 2. If it is a long distance call, press 1 (' appears before the displayed number) be- fore you press LINE 1 or LINE 2. If you want to add or delete the area code, press 3 be- fore you press LINE 1 or LINE 2.


You can use either line to make a call. For example, you can use line 2 to make a call to the number stored in the line 1 Caller ID memory.

If a Caller ID record does not contain a phone number (if it was blocked by the caller, for example), you cannot dial from that record.


Follow these steps to store the name and number from a Caller ID record into a memo- ry location.

Recall the record you want to store. If you want to add or delete the area code, press 3.

Press MEM. I[b[Yj BeYWj_ed appears.

Choose a memory location (0130) by press- ing number keys or by repeatedly pressing 8/INTCM or CONF/9, then press SELECT/


If the selected location is empty, the phone beeps to confirm that it stored the number, then the Caller ID record appears.

If a record exists in the selected location, H[# fbWY[ C[ceho5 appears, prompting you to confirm the replacement. Press 8/INTCM or CONF/9to move the cursor to O[i or De, then

press SELECT/CH.


You can delete Caller ID records individually or all at once.

To delete a single record, recall it, then press DEL/VOL. :[b[j[ C[iiW][5 appears, prompt- ing you to confirm the deletion. Move the cur- sor to O[i, then press SELECT/CH or DEL/ VOL.

To delete all the records at once, display the number list menu, select the line, and press DEL/VOL. :[b 7bb, B_d[ d5 appears, prompting

you to confirm the deletion. Press 8/INTCM or CONF/9to move the cursor to O[i or De, then press SELECT/CH or DEL/VOL.

Caller ID Operation (Handset Only)


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Radio Shack 2.4 GHz 2-Line Digital Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone with Call Waiting/Caller ID Deleting Caller ID Records