2.When the service answers, press TONE. Any additional numbers you dial are sent as tone signals.
3.After you complete the call, press TALK or return the keypad to the base. The phone automatically resets to pulse dialing.
You can send a page and use the ET- 1101 as an intercom between the base and the headset/keypad. This is useful if the headset/keypad is away from the base and you want to locate it, or if you want to have a conversation between someone using the headset/keypad and someone at the base.
Paging the Headset/Keypad
To page the person who has the headset/ keypad or to locate the headset/keypad when the phone is not in use, press IN- TERCOM on the base. The keypad rings three times and its INTERCOM indicator flashes. To have the keypad ring for a longer time, hold down INTERCOM for 3 seconds. The keypad rings about 9 times.
To answer the page, press INTERCOM on the keypad before the INTERCOM indica- tor stops flashing (about 6 seconds). When you finish your intercom conversa- tion, press INTERCOM again to hang up.
Paging the Base
To page the base, press INTERCOM on the keypad. The base rings nine times and its INTERCOM indicator flashes.
INTERCOM Indicator
To answer the page, press INTERCOM on the base before the INTERCOM indicator stops flashing (about 18 seconds). To end the intercom conversation, press INTER- COM again.