Number Keys — each key has a sin- gle digit with a range of numbers print- ed above it. The single digits are used to enter the number of a channel or frequency. The range of numbers (21– 40, for example) indicates the chan- nels that make up a memory bank. See “Understanding
•— enters a decimal point when you set a frequency.
E — enters the frequency when you program channels.
s and t — select the search direction.
SCAN — scans through programmed channels.
MANUAL — stops scanning and lets you directly enter a channel number.
PROGRAM — programs frequencies into channels.
MONITOR — accesses the 10 monitor memories. See “Moving a Frequency from a Monitor Memory to a Channel” on Page 23.
DELAY — programs a
Rotary Tuner — turn to tune through channels or frequencies. Turn the ro- tary tuner faster to increase the tuning speed.