UDB Diagnostic Board
This heater is equipped with a diagnostic board which will indicate faults as they occur. It has the ability to retain up to 256 faults in history. Refer to the section below for instructions on accessing, reviewing and clearing these faults.
6.When the history of faults has been exhausted, pushing “SW2” again will roll the fault history over and it will start again.
7.To exit the fault history, press and hold “SW1” for 5 seconds, or wait for 4 minutes and the board will automatically exit the history mode (fault LEDs will go out).
NOTE: To clear the fault history, press and hold both “SW1” and “SW2” for 5 seconds. Once cleared, the history cannot be recovered.
Fig. 40: UDB Diagnostic Board
UDB Fault History
To view the fault codes in the UDB history file:
1.Press and hold the switch labeled “SW1” for 5 sec- onds to access the fault history. LED 17 will begin to flash when the history has been accessed. See Fig. 41 above.
2.Press the switch labeled “SW2” to scroll through the recorded faults in history.
3.When a fault is being displayed, the corresponding LED will light AND LED 17 will flash at a rate that corresponds to the fault number.
4.The faults are recorded and displayed on a last in, first displayed basis. The last fault recorded will be the first fault displayed. There is no time or date stamp associated with these faults.
5.Continue to push “SW2” to view subsequent faults.