Troubleshooting (cont’d)
| Blower will not run. |
| A) “ON/OFF” control switch turned off. | Turn switch to the “ON” position. |
| B) Blower unplugged. | Plug blower back into 115 VAC. outlet. |
| C) No power at outlet. | Repair service to outlet. |
| D) Thermostat defective. | Replace thermostat. |
| E) Control harness defective. | Replace control harness. |
NOT ENOUGH | F) High limit control circuit open. | Replace ECO. |
G) Blower motor defective. | Replace Blower Assembly. | |
HOT WATER | Thermostat problems. |
| A) Thermostat set too low. | Set temperature control higher. |
| B) Thermostat or ECO defective. | Replace thermostat or ECO as required. |
| Others |
| A) Heater undersized. | Reduce hot water use. |
| B) Low gas pressure. | Contact dealer. |
| C) Incoming water is unusually cold. | Allow more time for heater to reheat. |
| D) Leaking hot water pipes or fixtures. | Have plumber check and repair leaks. |
| A) Defective air flow restrictor. | Take unit out of service immediately, call a |
| service representative. |
| B) Not enough dilution air to mix with | Proper dilution air must be provided for comb- |
| flue gases in inlet elbow. | ustion and dilution of flue temp. Refer to “INSTAL- |
(ABOVE 170˚F) | C) Dilution air too hot for mixing with | Supply air is too hot. Check for heat sources |
| flue gases. | around intake terminal and blockage of |
| dilution air leg. |
| D) Wrong burner orifice. | Install correct orifice. |
| A) Dirt in burner ports | Turn off heater and gas, clean burner head. |
| B) Combustion air path restricted. | Check intake venting arrangements for |
| obstructions. |
| C) Not enough dilution air for proper | Check Intake venting arrangement for |
| combustion. | obstructions. |
CONDENSATION | A) Water on the floor under heater. | See “CONDENSATION” section. |
B) Water dripping from blower assembly. | Provide drip “TEE” to catch condensation from | |
| horizontal section of exhaust vent close to |
| blower assembly. |
| Improperly sealed, hot or cold supply |
| connections, relief valve, drain valve | Tighten threaded connections. |
WATER LEAKS | or thermostat threads. |
| Leakage from other appliances or water | Inspect other appliances near water heater. |
| lines. |
| Condensation of flue products. | See “CONDENSATION” section. |
LEAKING T&P | Thermal expansion in closed water | Install thermal expansion tank (DO NOT plug |
system. | T&P valve). | |
| Improperly seated valve. | Check relief valve for proper operation |
| (DO NOT plug T&P valve). |
HOT WATER ODORS | High sulfate or mineral content in | Drain and flush heater thoroughly then refill. |
(Refer to CATHODIC | water supply. |
PROTECTION | Bacteria in water supply. | Chlorinate water supply. |
WATER TOO HOT | Thermostat set too high. | Refer to TEMPERATURE REGULATION. |
WATER HEATER SOUNDS | Condensation dripping on burner. | See “CONDENSATION” section. |
| Sediment at bottom of heater tank. | Clean sediment from tank. Refer to DRAINING |
| instruction in Maintenance section of manual. |
SOOTING | Improper combustion. | Refer to COMBUSTION AIR AND VENTILATION |
| on pages 8 and 9. |
HEATER LIGHTS BUT | Outlet polarity is reversed. | Test polarity and correct. |