User Tools (System Settings)

E-mail Destination

By registering an e-mail destination, you can send scanned documents by e-mail.

It is easy to select an e-mail desti- nation if you register “User (desti- nation) name” and “Key name” for the e-mail destination.

You can register an e-mail destina- tion as a group.

You can use the e-mail destination as the Sender's address. In this case, you can set a password in or- der to prevent its use by other peo-





E-mail destination can also be registered using SmartNetMonitor for Admin (printer option required).

Network Printing Guide

B Press the [System Settings] key.

C Press the [Key Operator Tools] key.

D Press the [Address Book Management ] key.

E Press the [New Program] key.


To register an e-mail destina- tion to a registered user, press the user key you want to regis- ter, or enter the registered number using the number keys.

F Set the user's information.

Registering an E-mail


A Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.


To register an e-mail destination to a registered user, skip to step G.

To register the user (destination) name and key name

A Press the [Change] key on the right of “User (Destination) Name” or “Key Display”.

The user (destination) name or key name entry dialog box ap- pears.