


Machine Status











Misfeeds occur frequently.

The side guides of the pa-

Check the side guides are locked. ⇒





per tray may not be locked.

p.132 “Changing the Paper Size”











The end guide of the paper

Check that the end guide is locked.





tray may not be locked.

⇒ p.132 “Changing the Paper Size”











You may have loaded pa-

When you use paper of a size that





per whose size cannot be

cannot be detected automatically,





detected automatically.

set the paper size. ⇒ p.79 “Tray Pa-






per Size: (Tray 2,3)”, p.177 “Copy

















The saddle stitching staple

Reset the saddle stitching staple car-





cartridge for the Booklet

tridge. ⇒ p.134 “dAdding Staples”





Finisher has been removed.









An error message remains,

When a misfeed message

Clear misfed paper and open and



even if misfed paper is re-

appears, it remains until

close the front cover. ⇒ p.122 “x




you open and close the cov-

Clearing Misfeeds”





er, as required.









Cannot duplex print

You cannot use the paper

For duplex printing, select Tray 1-3





in the bypass tray for du-

in Copier mode or with the printer





plex printing.











The setting for the Paper

Select “2 Sided Copy” for Paper





Type: Tray 1-3 is “1 Side

Type: Tray 1-3⇒ p.80 “Paper Type:






(Tray1-3, LCT)”








During saddle stitching,

Depending on the type of

Select a paper type with low re-



paper comes out open and

paper, the paper opens as it




not neatly stacked.

rebounds when it is folded.









The user code entry dialog

Users are restricted by user

Enter the user code (up to 8-digits),



box is displayed.


and then press the [#] key.