












Scanned pages ex-

The number of scanned

If you want to store scanned origi-



ceeded max.

pages exceeds the capacity

nals as a file, press [Store File]. The



number. Do you

per file of the Document

originals are stored as a file in the



want to store the


Document Server. If you do not




want to store any scanned originals,



scanned pages as a





press [No]. Scanned data will be




















Magazine or Book-

You selected the Magazine

Make sure originals for the Maga-



let mode is not

or Booklet function for

zine or Booklet function are scanned



available due to

originals scanned using

using the same function.



mixed image mode.

different functions, such as



copy and printer.













Cannot copy. Orig-

The Document Server func-

To cancel a job being processed,



inal is being

tion is in use.

press [Exit], and then press the {Doc-



scanned by another


ument Server}key. Next, press the





{Clear/Stop}key. When the message




[Stop] key was









pressed.Stop storing?





appears, press [Stop].








You do not have the

The use of this function is

Contact the administrator.



privileges to use

restricted to authentified




this function.

users only.









Authentication has

The entered login user

Inquire the user administrator for




name or login password is

the correct login user name and




not correct.

login password.









The machine cannot per-

Contact the administrator.




form authentication.









The selected

You have tried to delete

Files can be deleted by the person



file(s) which you

files without the authority

who created the file. To delete a file



do not have access

to do so.

which you are not authorized to de-



privileges to


lete, contact the person who created




the file.



could not be de-


















Updating the des-

The destination list is being

Wait until the message disappears.



tination list...

updated from the network

Do not switch off the power while



Please wait. Spec-

using SmartDeviceMonitor

this message is displayed.



ified destina-

for Admin.




Depending on the number




tion(s) or




sender's name has

of destinations to be updat-




been cleard.” ap-

ed, there may be some de-




lay before you can resume




pears,and operations are




operation. Operations are




not possible.




not possible while this









message is displayed.