Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Layering Performances to Make a Phrase (Phrase Maker)

The Phrase Maker allows you to overdub a short rhythmical performance to make a
phrase which you can then save as a new wave.

Basic Operation for Phrase Maker


Press [PATCH] so you are in patch mode.


Press [-]/[+] to select a patch.


Press [PHRASE MAKER] for an extended time.


A “Standby

= 120” indication appears. Press [-]/[+] to fix the tempo
displayed on the screen.

For details on the tempo, see p. 65.


Press the PAGE buttons to set the following parameters.

Press the PAGE buttons to change the parameter, and press [-]/[+] to change the value.
See p. 65 for details on the parameters.

• Quantize
Loop Length
• Beat

Click Level


Hit a pad or press [START/STOP], and phrase recording begins. “Rec”
(Recording) is displayed. Strike the playing surfaces to perform a
phrase. Record repeatedly in the number of measures set in Loop
Length in Step 5. Press [-]/[+] to change the Quantize value.

If you hold down [SHIFT] and press [START/STOP] during recording, a “reh” (rehearsal)
indication is displayed and recording cannot be temporarily disabled if any playing surface is hit.
Press [SHIFT] and [START/STOP] again to return to the “Rec” indication.

If you control the EFFECTS CONTROL knob or operate an expression pedal during phrase
recording, it makes changes to sound production, but not to recording.


Press [START/STOP] to stop recording. Later, each time you press
[START/STOP], you can alternately start and stop phrase playback.

By pressing [-]/[+], you can change the playback tempo. (p. 65)
Phrase Maker produces a
maximum of four voices.
If you hold down [SHIFT] and
press [-]/[+], you can change
the patch number in steps of
10. If you hold down [+] and
press [-], or hold down [-] and
press [+], the patch number
changes quickly.
If you hold down [SHIFT] and
press [-]/[+], you can change
the tempo value in steps of 10.
The values of the parameters
on the left are remembered
even while the SPD-S is
powered off.
When recording is started,
[START/STOP] stops flashing,
and instead lights steadily.
You can also switch from
"Standby" to "Rec," between
"Rec" and "reh" and between
"Stop" and "Play" using a foot
switch. (Ctrl SW in CONTROL
SW in Setup Edit -> p. 79)
When you stop recording,
[RESAMPLE] starts flashing.
To do phrase resampling (p.
64), press [RESAMPLE] at this
SPDS_e.book 63ページ 2004年4月19日 月曜日 午前9時58分