Chapter 1 Making a performance/Creating a patch


Configures pad/trigger parameters.
Configurations can be set for individual pads/triggers. Hold down [SHIFT] and press the PAGE buttons or hit a pad/trigger to
change the pad/trigger. A flashing pad indicator shows that the corresponding pad/trigger is selected.
Set the following parameters. Press PAGE buttons to change the parameter and press [-]/[+] to change values.

Volume variation cannot be activated with a foot switch.

Initial values of Note#

Parameter Value Descriptions

Dynamics OFF, ON Set it to ON to change the volume according to playing velocity. When it is set to OFF, the
sound is produced at a constant volume.
Effects SW
This determines if the sound on any particular pad is sent to the effects. When it is set to VE-
LO, effect parameters (those specified in VELO in individual effect types) are controlled by
the strike intensity.
* The pad indicators will light when this parameter is set to ON or VELO.
(Dynamic At-
OFF, 1–3 The start or attack of the sound is reduced when the pad/trigger is hit softly and increases
with playing velocity. It is suitable for sounds like percussion.
* If the start point (p. 47) is not adequately defined for a wave, no satisfactory effect is pro-
Mute Group OFF, 1–9 Pads/triggers that are assigned the same number form a mute group. Within a mute group,
the sounds cancel out one another, and only the sound from the pad/trigger that’s struck
last is reproduced.
* The lit pad indicators show that their corresponding pads/triggers belong to the same
mute group.
Tempo Sync OFF, ON When it is set to ON, the tempo of the sound assigned to the pad is synchronized with the
sync tempo of the patch (See Sync Tempo in PATCH COMMON -> p. 37).
* The pad indicator is lit when this parameter is set to ON for the corresponding pad/trig-
* If you hold down [FUNC] and press [-]/[+], you can change Sync Tempo (in PATCH
COMMON -> p. 37).
Note# OFF,
Determines the note number assigned to each pad, which will be transmitted from the MIDI
OUT connector. See the table below for initial values.
* When it is set to OFF, no note message is sent or received via MIDI.
* If the same note number is assigned to more than one pads, the wave assigned to the
pad/trigger with the lowest number (see the table below) will sound when the SPD-S
receives note message with the note number concerned. A “*” symbol is indicated on the
screen for playing surfaces with assigned sounds that are not reproduced when note
message is received.
Gate Time 0.1 s–8.0 s Allows you to determine the length (gate time) of the notes that will be transmitted from the
MIDI OUT connector, on an individual pad basis. The value can be changed in steps of 0.1

Number Playing Surface Initial Value Number Playing Surface Initial Value

1PAD 1 60 (C4) 8 PAD 8 67 (G4)
2 PAD 2 61 (C#4) 9 PAD 9 68 (G#4)
3 PAD 3 62 (D4) 10 TRIG IN 1 69 (A4)
4 PAD 4 63 (D#4) 11 TRIG IN 2 70 (A#4)
5 PAD 5 64 (E4) 12 FOOT SW 1 71 (B4)
If you hold down [SHIFT] and press [FUNC], the parameter is reset to its initial value.
If you hold down [SHIFT] and press [ENTER], the parameter is copied to all other pads/triggers.
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