License Agreement

Carefully read the following terms and conditions before installing the software. This is a legal agreement between you, the end user (either an individual or an entity), and Roland DG Corporation. Use of this program indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions stated below.

The enclosed computer program ("Software") is licensed, not sold, to the user by Roland DG Corporation, (hereafter referred to as “Roland”), for use only under the following terms, and “Roland”, reserves any rights not expressly granted to you.

1.License. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Japan, and the parties shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Japanese Court. This license allows you to:

(a)Make one copy of the Software in machine readable form; provided that such a copy of the original may be used solely for backup purposes. As an express condition of this License, you must reproduce on each copy the “Roland”, copyright notice and any other proprietary legends on the original copy supplied by “Roland”.

(b)Transfer the Software and all rights under this License to another party together with a copy of this License and all written materials accompanying the Software provided you give “Roland”, written notice of the transfer and the other party reads and agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this License.

(c)Use this Software on a single computer only, but may transfer it to another computer as long as it is used on only one computer at a time. "In use" constitutes being loaded onto either temporary (i.e., RAM) or permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM or other storage device) of a computer.

2.Restrictions .You may NOT distribute copies of the Software to others or electronically transfer the Software from one computer to another over a network. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to a human perceivable form. You may not modify, adapt, transfer, rent, lease, loan, resell for profit, distribute, network or create derivative works based upon the software or any part thereof.

3.Termination. “Roland” retains the right to terminate this agreement without notice immediately when any of the following occurs:

(a)When you violate any article of this Agreement.

(b)When you make any serious breach of faith regarding this Agreement.

4.Warranty Disclaimer, Limitation of Remedies and Damages. In no event will “Roland”, be liable for any damages, including lost data, lost profits, cost of cover or other special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of the program however caused and on any theory of liability. This limitation will apply even if “Roland”, or an authorized dealer or distributor has been advised of the possibility of such damage.

“Roland” is not responsible for any typographical errors in the software or in the documentation.

© Copyright 2002 by Scanvec Amiable, Inc.

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

COLORCHOICE® is registered in the U.S. Patent Office. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.

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Roland Ver. 4.5 user manual License Agreement, Copyright 2002 by Scanvec Amiable, Inc