Image Shift
IMAGE SHIFT moves the entire image up, down, left or right. If the image is slightly
While using IMAGE SHIFT will not cause any problems with your display, it is possible to use too much image shift, which could cause the image to shake or disappear. Therefore, Runco recommends that image shift be done with the display device itself whenever possible.
Input Image Shift shifts the part of the image that is being “input” to the Controller. Output Image Shift shifts the image being output to the display.
Image Shift
Hstart: 0
Vstart: 0
System Reset
In the event that your PFP Controller appears to have a software problem, or adjustments have been made so far out of range that the image is no longer
To reset your PFP Controller, follow this procedure:
·Turn off the MAIN POWER switch on the back of the processor
·Hold down the DOWN ARROW button, and turn the MAIN POWER SWITCH back on. Continue holding the down arrow button until the LED on the front panel blinks, then release the down arrow button.
Once this is done, your processor has been completely reset to factory values.
After resetting the unit, Composite video will be the active source.
SYSTEM RESET is not on any of the menus; it must be performed using the instructions above.