5) S-Video
6) Component
Picture [PC / BNC /DVI Mode]
Available Modes
Componen t
DVI-Vide o
[MENU ] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER]
MagicBrig ht™ is a new fea ture provi ding the op timum viewi ng enviro nment depe nding on th e contents of the
image you ar e watching.
Currently four different modes are available: Entertain, Internet, Text and Custom.
Each mode ha s its own pre- configur ed brightn ess value. Yo u can easil y select on e of the four se ttings by
simply pres sing the Ma gicBright™ control but ton.
1) Entertain
High brightness
For watching motion pic tures such a s a DVD or VC D.
2) Internet
Medium brightness
For working w ith a mixtur e of image s such as the t ext with gra phics adde d.
3) Text
Normal brightness
For docume ntations or work involv ing a lot of tex t.
4) Custom
Although th e values are c arefully c hosen by our engineers , the pre- configur ed values ma y not be
comfortab le for your ey es depend ing on your tas te.
If this is the case, Adjusts the brightness and contrast by using the OSD menu.
[The direct button on the remote control is the 'M/B' button.]
[MENU ] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [∧ / ∨] / [< / >] → [ENTER]
By using the on -screen me nus, the co ntrast and brightness can be change d to your p ersonal pr eference.